Peer Networks
Imagine More - Self Manager Peer Support Group - ACT
Imagine More in the ACT will be launching a self manager peer support group on Friday 31st August 2018.
Come along and meet some of the participants and learn how other families:
- Make decisions about purchasing supports so the costs of the support give you value-for-money, and can be met within your budget.
- Set up systems to reduce the administrative overload
- Meet obligations as an employer if you choose to employ staff directly.
- Show how funding is used towards reaching goals at planning meetings
This peer support group meets on the last Friday of every month.
What is a Peer Network?
A peer support network is where people get together as equals to provide support to each other because of similar experiences or circumstances in their life. There is evidence that peer support can help people feel more confident, knowledgeable, capable, and less isolated.
Peer Connect is a website which provides practical information about peer networks in Australia.